2011. augusztus 24., szerda

Start with being present!

Patanjali’s next advice for yogic practice is the following. There must be contemplation, or Samadhi. Well, thanks. What’s that? Good question. I tell you that he has been talking about that all along. I guess you already know that Patanjali gives the theory of yoga. Then he speaks of the final practice called Samadhi or contemplation, and its variations. Just briefly, he says that first you have to train the mind to focus on something concrete. In the next stage, there is no concrete object to see. You contemplate something abstract like white or red or love or beauty. If you are able to contemplate and understand the concrete objects well, your mind gets the capacity to understand the abstract things even without concrete objects. Then you rise above time and space also. Further on, you don’t use your intellect but you contemplate just the tranquil mind itself. Here is only joy and no reasoning or reflection. Finally there is just awareness of individuality. You contemplate the “I-ness”. You are just there and you are aware of nothing else. When all these four stages are passed you should get into asamprajnata Samadhi, which is undistinguished. Even the ego feeling is not there and the seeds of past impressions are rendered harmless. In that state, there is only consciousness and nothing else. Once that is achieved, you are completely liberated. The world is just a shadow from which you are absolutely free. That’s it, that all. Details are in the Sutras!

By the way, relating to all of these majestic views I would like to share a few thoughts of an earthborn if you don’t mind. One of my first deep experiences was about me when I realized that usually I am not in the present. It seems like I am here and I think I am here but honestly, not. Not at all. Not surprisingly I was grown up in a world where you always want something and want to be somebody. So my mind is working 24 hours a day and loves it. And yours? There are always new aims and purposes. You always have to plan on something. You are always dreaming on something or someone. And of course you have so many memories, nice ones or embarrassing ones that you can thumb all the time and thinking of the reasons or possibilities. What if… maybe these little word your friends, too. Anyway, there is no rest even when we are sleeping or making love or meditating.

So what to do then? Any ideas?

Yoga! Perfect choice! Maybe you also have this strange experience as I have all the time that after your umpteen sun salutations you have not got any expectations or thoughts or dreams… you just want to survive! And maybe you also realized that after yoga class your thoughts are only confined to have a nice dinner, long shower and sleep well. No worries about your work or relationships. No frustrations of your look like or what future holds. Just you and your inner silence you worked for. Just to be content. Just contemplate the world. Yes, here we are. I do believe that the best first step for Samadhi is practicing yoga and let it do the hard part for you. Actually you do the hard part with fun! The results surely come. And as more you are practicing as longer you are able to just be there and be aware of nothing else. How simply it is, isn’t it?

I think the other fine tool and of course, also can be a crutch for you during this wonderful self-knowledge adventure is witnessing. Just observe from outside this unstoppable dialogue in your mind and let your thoughts drift like clouds on the sky. Do not attach with them, do not stick in it. Just see the clouds on the sky and let them go away. It always can help every situation of your life. You can step out of the circumstances… the state of affairs and let it happen. Then you rise above time and space. Even the ego feeling won’t be there and the seeds of past impressions will be rendered harmless. Just keep consciousness and nothing else. Of course, it is usually not a constant state but you can remind yourself any time of witnessing. Jut let go everything and see from outside the situation as a movie. Maybe you will find out that you do not need these worries and thought and expectations. You may find out that you are completely fine only with contemplation. And I can only repeat myself. As more you are practicing as longer you are able to just be there and be aware of nothing else. How simply it is, isn’t it?

Finally I suggest not forgetting acceptation. It no matter that you practice yoga, look at a situation from outside or train your mind to focus on something concrete or rather abstract, just accept yourself. You are where you have to be, right now. You are on the road with so many other yogis but no one has the same experiences and same rocks on this road. It is only yours. And we are human. I am who can meditate for light; love and power restore the plan on Earth. And I am who can worry on a haircut. It happens. Let it happen. Just don’t forget your intentions! Stay grateful for your small awakenings and they are going to multiply! Do small, change big. You are the change. How simply it is, isn’t it?

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